

Social Media Advertising

We help you find the perfect candidate for your business with email-and social media marketing campaigns. Ads can be done via social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram Snapchat, and other.

We generate leads for all kinds of businesses using the best social media tools, Google ads and email marketing campaigns. When a visitor completes a web form, their contact information will be collected and typically refers to as a “lead”.

PPC Marketing

(PPC) stands for pay-per-click. (PPC) is a form of online marketing where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads. (PPC) advertising can be done through Google Ads, social media platforms, and through display advertising on websites.

SEO Services

(SEO), search engine optimization, is the process of achieving better search engine rankings and more traffic with the ultimate goal of generating more business. Several types of (SEO) services focus on different elements: search optimization and online visibility.

Content Creation

Content creation is all about being authentic and showcasing the personality of different brands. This helps businesses connect with their audience through valuable and engaging content. We help you create content that will captivate your audience.

Marketing Plans

A marketing plan is like a roadmap that helps businesses reach their goals and connect with customers. Additionally, these plans outline strategies and tactics to reach your target audience, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. We help you create one.

Branding & Design

Branding is the secret ingredient that makes your business stand out from the crowd. A strong brand help build trust, loyalty, and recognition among your customers. We help you create a unique brand identity.

Email Marketing Campaigns

Email is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies. With email marketing businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers and drive sales.
We cover more than 2M emails in the Middle East.

Video Advertising

Video advertising involves creating compelling videos that showcase the business products and services. Also, this kind of advertising is a powerful tool to capture attention and convey your message. We create stunning visuals and engaging videos.

Photo Shoot

Photo shoot is the creative adventure where we capture moments and business can express themselves. A photo shoot can result in stunning images. We help you showcase your business personality with the right location, lightning, and composition.

Newsletter Service

Send email campaigns, bulk mails, newsletters, special offers, event invitations, mass email and promotions via email messages with CANDY MAILER – without worrying about installing software or mail servers.

Candy Mailer is the trusted email marketing service provider that over 500+ business owners use

We help you create a stunning and user-friendly websites
including e-commerce websites that perfectly presents your business. Via
Digital provides a variety of hosting platforms, professional email services
under your domain.